"If you can't play it live, you can't really play it"
and NOTHING is more true than the following posts.....
Here are some of the songs by some of the bands that have moved me throughout the years of my life.....
"This is my world
And I am world leader pretend
This is my life
And this is my time
I have been given the freedom
To do as I see fit
It's high time I've razed the walls
That I've constructed"
R.e.M. is one of my all time favorite bands and seeing them for the second time in 1989 for the GREEN tour at LSU was just amazing. THIS song was one of my top R.E.M. songs before and it became my all time favorite because of this version.....ENJOY
"Out there in the spotlight
You're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy
You try to give away
As the sweat pours out your body
Like the music that you play"
FUCKING AMAZING!!!! STILL!!!!....I can't get enough of this song and I used to not really like it. Once I sat and listened to it and could hear the crowd at points and just the overall passion of this song is just ridiculous. THIS IS A CLASSIC!!!!....you have to turn this up....
"Says it feels right this timeTurned it 'round and found the right line“Good day to be alive, sir
Good day to be alive,” he says"
I was knocked out of my chair the first time I heard this. Just so heavy and with the San Francisco Symphony just makes it.
The lines that crack your face
Famine, your body it has torn through
Withered in every place
Pestilence, for what you had to endure
And what you have put others through
Death, deliverance for you for sure
Now there's nothing you can do"
2:37 is when I OFFICIALLY became a Metallica fan. That transition is one of the most intense and abrupt ever. No one other than TOOL or Rush can switch gears like that. ENJOY and its LIVE from 1989. The crowd at Metallica shows in that day were just out of control crazy...If you didn't see them LIVE at that time you missed it. Hopefully this and the next video catch the intensity.
"Callous frigid chillNothing left to killNever seen beforeBreathing nevermore"
The next video. The long intro makes it. Every Metallica show starts with The Good, The Bad and The Ugly graveyard scene and music and just hits a crescendo and then they start.....ITS INTENSE and the FUCK YEAH at the end sums up an ENTIRE Metallica show. Brutal from start to finish.
"Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one's there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you're sure there's
someone there"
Ok this song might have jump started Iron Maiden's career as they were in limbo for a little while and then this came out and it skyrocketed. The LIVE version captures what an Iron Maiden show is all about. And to this day is played at every Iron Maiden show. UP THE IRONS!!!
Would like to know before I stop
Did I make it or did I flop
Don't want to find out
Just want to get out"
Another CLASSIC....just watch the kids go fucking bonkers in beginning....captures METAL fans from the past and still today...metal fans are the most loyal EVER.....CHEERS
"Up here in space
I'm looking down on you.
My lasers trace
Everything you do."
I missed a TON of LIVE stuff so next time will be DEPECHE MODE, PINK FLOYD etc....
until then have a GREAT WEEKEND & Rock the FUCK ON!!!!!
And just an awesome song by Scorpions......