Wednesday, July 2, 2014

MUSIC TO BLOW SHIT UP TO (July 4th Edition)

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OK so ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR when you can blow shit up and its OK. 

It's HARD, Heavy, Soft, Up, Down and ALL Around.   

With Texas being hotter than the sun this past summer we couldn't buy fireworks.  I'm not saying it was HOT, but if you spun your tires too much you could cause a fire.  

I typed in HOT TEXAS and got this.  OH WELL!

It was drier than a prom queen, I think. 

Let's GO!!!

Cue the "HOW DRY WAS IT?" jokes...

Some driving songs to get you to where you are going....

OH YEAH!!!!!

......and for the long stretch of nothing but trees and no rest stops.....30 minutes of PURE JAM provided by Panic....

So now you are better have the above or you've fucked up already and you haven't even begun your odyssey....

Now there is nothing better in the world of rap than the Beastie Boys.  I miss MCA daily and you will see why.  They were and still are pioneers.  One of the best live shows you could ever see.  

Its pretty strange but then again so is my taste in music. 
This Mashup is one of the best I have ever heard and it's the Beastie Boys again.....


and for the crazier fuckers out RAP

And from arguably one of the best all around albums EVER......
The 1991 Lenny Kravitz album "Mama Said".

After all there are still dumbasses out there.  And if you hear someone say "HEY WATCH THIS" the other way....

It wouldn't be a July 4th blog without Lynyrd Skynyrd.... 
and always remember....

and NOW ....Rednecks being well.....REDNECKS!!!!! Happy 4th

Stupid fucking Florida

No comment but there are like 3 I can think of right off the bat.
Why do rednecks shoot fireworks out their ass?

for the drive back....relax

and always remember this kids....shooting fireworks at each other or resting them on your genitals is never a good idea....NEVER.

LSU 12-0 We're takin' over this town

It's the weekend and time for 12-0 LSU Tigers.....let me say that again.....The 12-0 LSU TIGERS to travel to Atlanta to take ...